The project included the construction of the new grandstands, an open-air concourse, and club levels. The team football facilities, track, and playing field were replaced. Also included in the construction were team locker rooms and lounge, team equipment room, officials locker room, cheerleaders room, training/game day space, building support spaces and lobby.
Due to the constraints of the athletic and academic schedule, construction began immediately following the final game of the 2013 football season and was completed on schedule within the nine-month time frame for the season opener in September of 2014.
BELL served as the Construction Manager at Risk for the renovation and construction of Governors Stadium on the APSU campus. Complete preconstruction Phase and Construction Phase services were provided by the Bell team. We were brought on-board as the design documents were nearing completion. Our first cost model revealed the project was over budget and would require extensive value engineering. Of the $1.9 million of value engineering opportunities identified and offered, $1,766,000 were accepted and incorporated into the project.
Nashville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee